Jubilant Biosys Hiring Research Associate / Senior Research Associate in Discovery Biology Dept.


Jubilant Biosys Hiring Research Associate / Senior Research Associate in Discovery Biology Dept.

Jubilant Biosys, Bangalore is hiring for Research Associate / Senior Research Associate in Discovery Biology Dept.

COMPANY – Jubilant Biosys Limited

FUNCTION – Research & Development

Skills required :

  • Lab operation skills to ensure smooth lab functioning
  • Recombinant protein production from various expression systems
  • Ability to handle wet lab instruments
  • Capable of scoring crystal drop images as per client SOPs
  • Performing Cloning, Chromatography, Electorphoresis, immuno blot, FPLC etc for recombinant protein production
  • Performing Protein Crystallization, X-Diffraction, Structure determination
  • Image annotation / Scoring of Crystallization drop images
  • Protein construct designing for SBDD
  • Efficient in Lab management
  • Expertise in recombinant protein production related to Drug discovery
  • Expertise in SBDD

Roles & Responsibilities :

  • Cell-based assay development (optimization, validation and compound screening) under the Group leaders’ guidance.
  • Enzyme based assay development (optimization, validation and compound screening)
  • Invitro assay development, validation and optimization of cell-based assay and enzyme-based assay for various targets in the respective therapeutic areas such as CNS/ Metabolic disorder/ Autoimmune/Inflammatory diseases/ Pain/Oncology in the Drug Discovery field.
  • Working extensively in the area functional cell based assays, validated the same to determine the activity of new chemical entities (NCEs).
  • Responsible for writing of Protocols, uploading of the data, Lab note book record keeping. SOP writing.
  • Analysis of experimental data using Graph pad PRISM (statistical Analysis Software) for IC50 and graphs.
  • Designing experiments, execution, calculations, data analysis, graphical representations, report results to project teams.
  • Follow the guidelines followed in the lab towards different safety aspects and help the lab head in designing the new guidelines.
  • Follow ethical guidelines towards assay validation, data analysis and maintenance.
  • Working in a team environment in order to deliver at a faster pace.
  • Working as team player.
  • Should exhibit zeal to learn new skills in respective research area.

Experience: 3 to 8 yrs

Qualification: Master’s in Biology/Biotechnology/Molecular Biology/Genetics/Any life sciences stream.

Desired Experience Required:

  • Experience in a drug discovery industry/ CRO in invitro Research.
  • Working experience of Tissue culture and cell culture Techniques
  • Hands on experience in designing and execution of in vitro assays in CNS / Metabolic disorder/ Autoimmune/ Inflammatory diseases/ Pain/Oncology therapeutic area in Drug Discovery field.
  • Skilled in handling mammalian cell lines.
  • Expertise in western blotting, ELISA.



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