CSIR-CFTRI Biotech Project Associate Job – Life Sciences, Biochem Apply Online
Engagement to the position of Project Associate Level-I
CSIR – Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysuru, a constituent National Laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), desires to engage qualified candidates as Project Associate Level-I on a purely temporary contractual basis in the project entitled “Development of a green chemistry method and pilot scale optimization of Arabinoxylan oligosaccharides (AXOS) production from pearl millet bran for their application in ameliorating diabetes-associated complications” (GAP-645) for a period initially for one year and extendable up to three years at Traditional Foods and Applied Nutrition Dept., CSIR-CFTRI, Mysuru, Karnataka. The details are as follows:
Desirable experience: Working experience in animal handling, carbohydrate characterization, and down-stream processing
Emoluments: a. 31,000/- + HRA (16%) – Candidates who have qualified for NET/GATE or any other national-level exams conducted by Central Govt. departments and their agencies and institutes. b. 25,000/- + HRA(16%) for others who do not fall under (a) above.
Terms and Conditions:
a) Candidates should not have exceeded 35 years of age as on 25-01-2024 i.e. the last date of receiving the
b) The engagement of PROJECT ASSOCIATE-I is exclusively for the above-mentioned research work.
c) The engagement will be contractual and purely on a temporary basis for a maximum period of one year and extendable up to three years based on the performance of the candidate
d) The engagement under the externally funded project does not confer any right/claim whatsoever either explicitly or implicitly on the appointee for regular appointment in CSIR-CFTRI, against any post or otherwise under any legal conditions precedent.
e) Performance of the Project Staff will be reviewed periodically. In case the performance is not satisfactory, the engagement could be terminated with one month’s notice or one month’s stipend in lieu thereof.
f) No TA/DA will be given to the candidates for attending the interview.
g) Eligible candidates may submit online application at https://patcell.cftri.res.in along with necessary attachments of the certificates in support of date of birth, caste, qualification/experience etc. on or before 25-01-2024 under the subject panel Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Life Sciences. Applications of those candidates, which are already active in the above subject panels for Project Associate-I with the above eligibility requirements will be considered by default.
i) If already the candidate is working in CSIR/CSIR-CFTRI a “NOC” from the current PI is mandatory for applying for the aforementioned project. In a case, if selected, Engagement under this project would be made only after submission of ‘No Dues Certificate’ and resignation from the previous project.
j) The maximum duration, for which Project staff could be engaged in different projects taken together, will be 5 years. Candidates who have already served CSIRCFTRI or any other lab/ institute of CSIR as Project Staff at any level in CSIR projects (including NMITLI projects, OLP/MLP, Contract R&D and non-CSIR funded projects) for a total period of 5 years or more are not eligible for these engagements.
k) CSIR-CFTRI reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the offer of engagement in case of any discrepancy found, in the candidature of any empanelled candidate at any stage.
l) Other terms and conditions will be governed as per guidelines issued by the funding agency /CSIR for the engagement of the above project staff as amended from time to time.
m) The Director, CSIR-CFTRI has a right to amend, delete, and add Terms & Conditions to this notification and also reserves the right to cancel the advertisement without assigning any reason thereof or reserves the right not to fill up the posts, if required. The number of vacancies indicated above may vary i.e. it may increase or decrease at the time of actual selection.
How to Apply
Eligible candidates may submit online application only at https://patcell.cftri.res.in along with necessary attachments of the certificates in support of date of birth, caste, qualification/experience etc. on or before 25-01-2024 under the appropriate subject panels. No other mode of application will be accepted Please make sure to choose the appropriate subject panel based on your specialization in the Essential qualification required for the position(s) being applied. The onus of selecting the subject panel will be on the candidate only.
Candidates are advised to check the official CFTRI website https://cftri.res.in/ regularly for addendum/corrigendum and updated information regarding this. Therefore, candidates are advised to keep visiting regularly the website of CSIR-CFTRI.
The short-listed candidates will be informed about the date of the interview through e-mail to the email address mentioned by the candidate in the online application form. No interim Enquiry or Correspondence will be entertained.
Keywords: CSIR-CFTRI, Biotech, Project Associate, Life Sciences, Biochemistry, Apply Online. CSIR-CFTRI Biotech Project Associate Job – Life Sciences, Biochem Apply Online. Please ensure you are subscribed to the Getmicrobiologyjobs Times Newsletter and our YouTube channel to be notified of the latest industry news. Follow us on social media like Twitter, Telegram, Facebook