Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata Hiring For Project Technical Support, Applications Invited


Institute of Neurosciences Hiring For Project Technical Support, Applications Invited

Advertisement no. INK/ICMR/V-Stim/TaNS_Stroke_V1

Advertisement for the post of four (4) Project Technical Support-III (for ICMR funded small extramural Project)

Name of the post: Project Technical Support-III

Number of posts: 04 (UR)

Duration of the project: Three years. The appointment will be on a contractual basis for a period of one year. Based on the performance in the first year, the contact could be renewed till the end of the project.

Eligibility Educational Qualification and Experience:

  • Basic science background: Three-year Graduation (Science/ Psychology/ Public Health) + Three-year experience in a relevant subject/field. or Post-graduate in (Science/Psychology/ Public Health)
  • Occupational therapy background: Three-year Graduation in (Occupational therapy) + Three-year experience in a relevant subject/field. or Post-graduate in Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy background: Three-year Graduation in Physiotherapy + Three-year experience in a relevant subject/field. Or Post-graduate in Physiotherapy

Age Limit: 40 years (Relaxed upper age limit by two years in case of woman candidates) Note: Cut-off-date for age limit for Project Technical Support-III will be as on the last date of submission of application

Desirable qualification:

  • Basic science background: Practical expertise on Neurostimulation/ Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) studies, surface EMG studies, knowledge of coding through MATLAB/ python, statistical analysis using standard packages, scientific writing, graphical representation of data, and figure drawing using standard photo-editing software (Corel/ photoshop) are desirable. Both writing and oral communication skills will be given importance. Candidate with experience in the digital signal processing of biological signals will get preference. One endpoint of the study is biomarker assessment through ELISA and other molecular techniques. Hence, having hands-on experience in performing molecular biology techniques will be desirable.
  • Occupational therapy background: Expertise in occupational therapy in different neurological patients with movement impairment, patients’ upper limb functional training and supervision of domiciliary rehabilitation programs, clinical, and neurophysiological recording/assessments, electrophysiological experiments, functional assessment.
  • Physiotherapy background: Expertise in planning and delivering physiotherapy in different neurological patients with stroke. He/she should be (preferably) able to perform clinical assessment/ gait assessment and neurophysiological recording from stroke patients.

Nature of work

  • Basic science background: The researcher will be involved in obtaining consent from the research participants, executing clinical electrophysiology experiments, and clinical rating of patients with brain stroke. He/She will actively take part in experiment planning, statistical analysis, and report writing under the supervision of PI and Co-I. He/she is also expected to assist in writing research grants for funding.
  • Occupational therapy background: Occupational therapist is required for upper limb functional training and supervision of domiciliary rehabilitation programs for post-stroke patients. In the current study, the research occupational therapist (BOT/MOT) will be responsible for in-hospital upper-limb rehabilitation and study assessments under the direct supervision of PI and/or Co-I. Apart from data collection, he/she will be accountable for secured data archival and maintenance of the laboratory instruments/equipment.
  • Physiotherapy background: The research physiotherapist (BPT/MPT) will be responsible for in-hospital gait rehabilitation and study assessments under the direct supervision of PI and/or Co-I. The PI and the research therapist together will do all clinical, gait and neurophysiological recording/assessments. The research Physiotherapist will be involved in the execution of electrophysiological experiments, gait assessment, functional assessment after necessary training by PI. Apart from data collection, he/she will be accountable for secured data archival and maintenance of the laboratory instruments/equipment.

Emoluments/month: As per govt. approved consolidated salary for Project Technical Support-III.

How to Apply:

Last Date of Application: 5th February 2024

Date and Venue of the written Interview: Only shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview to be held at the Venue: Seminar Room, 9th Floor, I-NK

Date of interview: Selected ones will be intimated via email.


  1. Age Concession: Age relaxation is admissible in respect of SC/ST/OBC candidates, Retrenched Government Employees, Departmental Candidates (including projects), and ex-servicemen in accordance with the instructions issued by the Central Government from time to time. Age concession to the extent of services rendered in the research projects will also be admissible for experienced and skilled persons.
  2. Reporting Venue for interview/written test: Research Room 1, 9th Floor, Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata, 185/1 AJC Bose Road, Kolkata – 700017. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the Interview/written test.
  3. Date and time of Interview: Will be intimated shortly to the shortlisted candidates via e-mail.
  4. The candidates shall report for appearing in the written exam/Interview with:
    a. Self-attested photocopies of proof of date of birth (birth certificate/class 10th certificate), eligibility qualification mark-sheets, degrees, experience certificate, caste certificate (if applicable), qualifying degree registration with statutory council (if applicable), and other relevant testimonials.
  5. Application Fees: Nil

Call @ 033-4030-9982 for any clarification

Dr. Supriyo Choudhury
Assistant Director of Research
Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist
Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata
185/1 AJC Bose Road Kolkata – 700017

Dr. Hrishikesh Kumar
Head, Department of Neurology
Director of Research
Vice Chairman
Institute of Neurosciences Kolkata
185/1 AJC Bose Road Kolkata – 700017


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